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How to Buy a Central Air Conditioner


Central air conditioners circulate cool air through your home. Having an efficient central air conditioner? can save you money on your electric bill and keep your home comfortable. With the various units available on the market it is important to purchase the right one for your home. Follow these steps to buy a central air conditioner.
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Choose the size you need. This is important because if you purchase a unit that is too small, then it will not meet your needs. If you purchase a unit that is too big, then you decrease the efficiency of your central air conditioner.
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Research the efficiency of the unit you want to buy. The most common way to measure the efficiency of a central air conditioner is to see what its Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is. The United States requires that an air conditioner must have a SEER of 13 to be sold. Air conditioners with a SEER between 14 and 22 are more efficient models.
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Pick the type of central air conditioner you want. The two main types of central air conditioners are split-system units or packaged units. A split-system central air conditioner has an indoor and outdoor cabinet. Packaged units only have one cabinet that is placed either on a roof or concrete slab next to your home.
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Find the unit that has all the features you need. There are several features that central air conditioners have. Other features to think about when looking for a central air conditioner are the speed of your unit, check filter light, automatic features that increase efficiency, operates quietly, and an Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) greater than 11.6.
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Purchase a central air conditioner. Consider all your needs when making your purchase. Look for a unit that has all the features you want at the best price. Remember to take your time when deciding to purchase a new central air conditioner.
